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17 Agosto 2020

Talk: “Simultaneous T1, T2, T2* And PDFF Mapping With Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using A New Water/Fat Separation Technique”

17/08/2020 @ All Day – Speaker: Cristóbal Arrieta. Description: Research on a new technique to obtain a more complete characterization of fatty liver disease, especially for the most advanced stages.

31 Agosto 2020

Talk: “How To Move From Academia To Industry”

31/08/2020 @ All Day – Speaker: Catalina Arteaga has a degree in Physics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; she then completed a Master in Biomedical Image Sciences and later a PhD in Medical Physics at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Between 2015 and 2019 she was the head of the High Field Magnetic Resonance Unit at […]

14 Septiembre 2020

Talk: «Cardiac Magnetic Resonance. Redefining the Limits of Cardiology.»

14/09/2020 @ All Day – Speaker: Julian Vega Adauy. Cardiologist, specialist in cardiac imaging. Description: Cardiac imaging is the cornerstone of cardiology practice, allowing for precise diagnoses and therapies. Among the imaging techniques, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is the only one that provides a comprehensive assessment of the heart, including the morphofunctional, hemodynamic and characterization tissue. Thanks to these […]

28 Septiembre 2020

Talk: «Water And Fat Separation With Neural Network And Theoretical Signal Model»

28/09/2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Speaker: Juan Pablo Meneses Casanova. Graduate in Civil Electrical Engineering, PhD student in Engineering Sciences. Brief description: This project proposes to develop a neuronal network capable of returning, from acquisitions in different echo times, quantitative maps of water, fat and other parameters that influence the signal obtained. As an innovative aspect, a network architecture not […]

26 Octubre 2020

Talk: «Towards A Comprehensive Imaging Based Assessment For Stroke And Heart Attack Prevention»

26/10/2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Speaker: Julio Acosta-Cabronero. Director of Imaging Technology. Senior role leading the development of imaging solutions for stroke and heart attack prevention. Tenoke Healthcare Ltd., Cambridge. http://www.tenoke.co.uk Brief description: Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability and death worldwide. In the UK alone, there are more than 100,000 strokes each year and 1.2 million people […]

9 Noviembre 2020

Talk: “Emerging Applications Of MRI Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping”

09/11/2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Speaker: Karin Shmueli, Associate Professor in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Department of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering University College London. Talk summary: Emerging Applications of MRI Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility MappingTissue magnetic susceptibility can be calculated from gradient-echo MRI phase images using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). Several clinical applications of QSM are emerging based on its sensitivity […]

9 Diciembre 2020

Charlas virtuales para estudiantes de educación media

09/12/2020 @ 3:00 pm – Hoy, a partir de las 15:00 horas, el Centro de Imágenes Biomédicas de la @facultadmedicinauc y la @escueladeingenieriauc en conjunto con el Núcleo Cardio MR @cardio_mr realizarán una nueva charla virtual dirigida a estudiantes de educación media. Pamela Franco, Pablo Irarrázaval y Carlos Sing-Long serán los encargados de llevar a cabo esta actividad que tiene como objetivo acercar […]

29 Enero 2021

LVI Congreso Chileno de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular

29/01/2021 @ All Day – A partir de hoy y hasta el 5 del presente mes, se realizará el LVI Congreso Chileno de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, evento relacionado a la cardiología más importante del país y que contará con la participación de especialistas de nuestro centro. Julio Sotelo, Gonzalo Martínez y Julián Vega, miembros de @cardio_mr, participarán de la instancia […]

29 Enero 2021

Talk: “From Research to Product – Managing The Innovation Funnel”

29/01/2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Presenta: Dr. Paul R. Harvey is Fellow and Chief Engineer (Senior Director) for the global Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) business of Philips. Título de la presentación: “From Research to Product – Managing The Innovation Funnel”. Descripción: The process of translating from a vision into meaningful, robust and sustainable solutions involves a journey. We will examine the paths, metrics and processes […]

29 Enero 2021

Talk: “Multi-Scale Generative Adversarial Network For Unobserved Alternatives Generation With An Application To MRI Undersampled Images Reconstruction”.

29/01/2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Speaker: Gabriel della Maggiora. Professional collaborator in the project “Development of new imaging techniques to study the brain in severe mental health disorders” ACT192064. Director: Cristian Tejos. Talk summary: Generally, inverse problems do not have a unique solution that can be considered correct. The traditional approach to solving inverse problems through supervised learning usually involves […]