Talk: “Emerging Applications Of MRI Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping”
Speaker: Karin Shmueli, Associate Professor in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Department of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering University College London. Talk summary: Emerging Applications of MRI Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility MappingTissue magnetic susceptibility can be calculated from gradient-echo MRI phase images using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). Several clinical applications of QSM are emerging based on its sensitivity to tissue composition including iron, myelin and deoxyhaemoglobin content. We have developed and optimised QSM acquisition and image processing techniques for a variety of clinical research studies. I will briefly outline the physical principles underpinning QSM and describe QSM applications we have developed in brain arteriovenous malformations, sickle cell anaemia, healthy brain ageing, head-and-neck cancer, pelvic bone marrow imaging and other applications. Short biography: Dr Karin Shmueli is an Associate Professor leading the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Group in the University College London (UCL) Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Before returning to UCL in 2012, Karin pioneered susceptibility mapping techniques as a Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at the USA National Institutes of Health. Karin’s research focuses on optimising MRI Susceptibility Mapping techniques for clinical applications. She has recently expanded her group thanks to a European Research Council Consolidator Grant and a Cancer Research UK Multidisciplinary Award. Karin has chaired the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Electromagnetic Tissue Properties (SWI) Study Group and has just joined the ISMRM’s Annual Meeting Programme Committee.